Sunday, February 1, 2009

Go All The Way at Denny's - For Free!!

I interrupt your Superbowl to bring you breaking news. I am losing all my boxes, can care less about the Cardinals or the Steelers and am at a party where it is hard to pay attention to all the commercials. Lucky for you and me, I did notice one commercial!

This Tuesday, Denny's will be giving away a free Grand Slam breakfast for everyone in American. Hellz yeah America and Hellz yeah Denny's.

Sadly, I do not know any Denny's in the great borough of Manhattan, but for those of you living outside the Big Apple, check it out. What is better than pancakes, processed eggs and bacon.

Speaking of bacon, Nini made some killer bacon wrapped dates tonight. Yum Yum.

Oh and Bruce was good but the ref thing was REALLY chessy.