Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Huge News !!!!!

OMG, are you sitting down????
I just got a note saying that another blog wants to use one of my quotes on their site.
I am so honored and so in shock. I might finally make it big.
Stay tuned. We will soon have enough pageviews to have a Wendy's takeover.

Below is the note I got today. Check it out.

I’m doing a Top 10 List for our blog of customer quotes and wanted to get your permission to use the following from your 7/11/07 posting:"There was a time I used to eat it everyday. I am a bit better now..."I would include a link to the quote. Feel free to email me directly
Once I get permission from all of the customers, you will be able to find our blog here:


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep everyone informed!

bj.emerson said...

You will find it here: It will also eventually appear here:

Thanks for letting us quote you!