Tuesday, August 21, 2007

LC Loves Pinkberry Too!

OMG did you see the Hills last night?????????????????????

LC and Lo love and eat Pinkberry too. They were eating it in last nights episode.

LC if you are reading this, next time you are in NY, Pinkberry is on me!


Anonymous said...

Cousin is back!!!! Still haven't had the Pinkberry but that picture with Capn' Crunch looks delicious. I have some bootleg version around the corner from me called Yogelato. It's good but doesnt have the same buzz as Pinkberry. Cousin's older brother who shall remain nameless is obsessed with it. Then I told him I saw a news story about rats being spotted inside the upper-east location.

Unknown said...

Pinkberry is opening next to my office on 55th and 2nd..interested to try it but from what you describe I dont think I will....Since LC is my idol maybe I should start liking it

Rori I think you should do a blog entry about the chain restaruants in Atlantic City..just a thoughts

Rori said...

Cousin welcome back!
I think you would love Pinkberry. I will go with you tomorrow at lunch if you would like.

Nina, good idea about the chains of AC. That will be my next post.