Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dunkin Donuts 100 Calorie Muffin

I hope everyone is done puking after watching the pathetic Bachelor and ready for a morning filled with chain food delight. I, unlike the Bachelor, am not a pathetic Seattle rainy dork balding loser. I am a woman of my word, here to serve the loyal chain of food readers.

Therefore, when I saw that Dunkin Donuts had a new 100 calorie muffin I had to try it. A 100 calorie muffin is music to my ears, as I am the princess of 100 calorie packs. I was a few minutes early to work this morning so I decided to stop at the underground Dunkin and pickup one of these bad boys. They are called Angel Food muffins, they must be from heaven. I heard mixed reviews so I was excited to try it. At first bite, I thought hmmm not bad. A bit chewy but the cinnamon on top is quite good. The more I ate it though, the more disappointed I got. The muffin has a very strange texture, almost like it is not actually food. Perhaps, a cardboard sponge. The only part that is really tasty is the top because it is sprinkled with cinnamon. I think it would be a bit better if they sprinkled cinnamon throughout the muffin. All and all, the muffin is a 2 out of 10. I would not get this all the time, but if you are really in the mood for a muffin and only want to eat 100 calories, I guess get it, but I think there are better low calorie breakfast options out there. I do commend Dunkin for trying though. I am drinking their coffee right now and that still rocks!!!


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